Nature Photography Adventures

Wild Adventures


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Come with us to that zone beyond where the trail ends...
To find those vistas and creatures beyond most people's comfort zones...
Where the sounds in the night might raise the hair on the back of your neck...
Where we are closer to the wild things and can begin to understand them...
We'll make images others can't...
We'll come home with stories others only hear from people who have walked on the wild side.




We work very hard to design and lead all our adventures to squeeze the most photographic opportunities from a lot of situations.  A lot of that is about understanding light, weather, species life cycles and daily rhythms.  Another part of that is balancing what we want to share with how far we can push our groups.  A look at our repeat clientele says that we are achieving that balance more than not.

However, there are some opportunities out there that require just a little more than we can ask of our groups.  Hence, the birth of our Wild Adventures.

Sometimes that means some of the trails are a little longer or steeper.  Sometimes it means that we go further off the grid and stay there a bit.  Sometimes it involves paddling kayaks or swimming with your photography gear in dry bags.  Sometimes it means exploring caves to get to great formations to photograph. Sometimes it is all about being outside the normal comfort zone.


It is never about who can go furthest, highest, fastest or best.  Rather its about working together as a team to get everyone more than they could have achieved alone.  And, we (and our groups) never belittle anyone who opts out of a particular activity or outing.


What’s the result?  You might get to photograph daybreak from a place we can’t drive the group to.  Or experience a Mayan ceremonial chamber full of sacrifices.  Or journey deep into the flooded Pantanal to put your lens on a jaguar.  Or explore an ice cave in a glacier on crampons with your tripod and camera in Iceland.  Or paddle quietly through a pristine part of the Amazon basin, camera at the ready.  Or be so far away from cities, you can photograph the stars without light polution.

We’re looking for people ready to work as a team with fellow photographers to achieve great personal and photographic goals on our wild adventures.  Each adventure has its own set of challenges – and we’ll be happy to discuss those with you. 



Come with us to that zone beyond where the trail ends...
To find those vistas and creatures beyond most people's comfort zones...
Where the sounds in the night might raise the hair on the back of your neck...
Where we are closer to the wild things and can begin to understand them...
We'll make images others can't...
We'll come home with stories others only hear from people who have walked on the wild side.

If you’d like to try one of our Wild Adventures, contact

Our Wild Adventure Calender is below. We have more Wild Adventures in the works. Check back often!

Nature Photography Adventures


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Nature Photography Adventures Calendar of Adventures


Borneo! Rainforests. Orangutans. Gibbons. Pygmy elephants. Proboscis monkeys. 420 species of birds, including amazing hornbills and kingfishers, brightly colored little birds. Carnivorous plants. Sun bears. The list goes on and on. We've built an itinerary that takes you into the canopy, on trails by foot, on rivers by boat, and out on night safari. This is not an adventure you want to miss!

Jun 21 - Jul 2

Join us in Brazil's Pantanal for a wild adventure that features both jaguars and an amazing array of birds, reptiles, and mammals. The Pantanal is the only place in the world where one can reliably find and photograph jaguars - as they are nocturnal hunters everywhere else. The birds here are fantastic - this is one of our favorite places to photograph flying birds (we can help you build your skills). Add in close-up encounters with giant river otters and so much more. Join us for this wild adventure!

Aug 11-23


To sit quietly in a bamboo thicket with a gorilla family, interacting with eye contact, observing, and making compelling images is truly a life changing experience. Venture out into the wilds of Rwanda with a small group to experience photographic encounters with wild gorillas, chimpanzees, colobus monkeys, golden monkeys, and much, much more. Fitness level is necessary to accomplish this adventure. Dates are tentative until we secure permits.
Space Available
Jan 8-20
Join a small group of photographers as we fly in float planes and tundra planes out into the wilderness of the Katmai Peninsula - in search of great bear photography opportunities. We'll go where the bears are actively catching salmon, including Brooks Falls, and other locations drawing off the Bristol Bay watershed which has the largest salmon runs in the world. Plan to be close to bears - to have great vistas from planes - and to marvel at the vast expanse of wilderness. Group size limited - secure your space.
Space Available

Jul 27 - Aug 2

Step outside your comfort zone to experience and photograph tribes of Ethiopia's Omo River Valley. These tribes were never dominated by colonialism and have held onto traditions others have lost. This is your chance to see Africa, indeed all human culture, as it was - and be one of the few people on the planet to experience these unique cultures. This is a wild adventure - we'll sometimes have modest lodgings, eat foods we're not familiar with, and venture beyond basic services as we visit these remote tribes.
Space Available

Oct 21 - Nov 3