Nature Photography Adventures

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February 3-14, 2026 - Space Available

Southeast Kenya! 

An oasis springs up in the middle of a desert in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro

Some of Africa's biggest tuskers

Tsavo - home to the famous maneating lions

Graphic silhouettes of elephants and giraffes against dramatic sunsets!

Hippos swimming in clear springwater

Famous red elephants of Tsavo

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In 2026 we are offering two back-to-back Kenya Photography Safaris.

The first, our Western Kenya Photography Safari, explores from the northern deserts of Samburu and Shaba down to the Masai Mara. Along the way we'll spend quality time in Ol Pejeta focused on rhinos and at Lake Nakuru where we'll find Rothschild's giraffes, a rift valley soda lake, and an abundance of bird species. Then it's off the the Masai Mara in seach of predators and their prey!

The second, our Southeast Kenya Photography Safari, focuses on Amboseli, with it's giant tuskers and lush oasis surrounded by a harsh desert, and the Tsavo region, home to the famous maneater lions and red elephants. We'll also find a clear spring filled with hippos and the opportunity to photograph underwater.

If you choose to join both safaris, your cost will be reduced by $1,000.


2026 Rates

$8,550, per person, double occupancy
$9,550 single occupancy

Deposit with signup - $1,000

Second Payment - Sep 15, 2025, 2026 - $2,500

Final Payment - Nov 15, 2025
To include any extra lodging

Cancellation Policy
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After gathering in Nairobi, we’ll slip south to the deserts, dry lake beds, and oasis of Amboseli. Directly north of Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa, the oasis is fed by rain and snowfall on the high peak, perculating up from the ground in the desert.

Many animals, including elephants, choose a place of safety to overnight, making the journey to the waters of the oasis in the morning hours and then retreating before the day is over.


Next we make a short journey to the Tsavo area, famous for it's man eating lions!

In 1898, the British were building a railway to connect Mombassa at the coast, to Nairobi and eventually Unganda. In March of 1898,a pair of maneless malelions began raiding the construction camps, killing and eating workers. Often the workers were dragged from their tents at night. The killings became sensational stories across Europe and eventually so many workers fled Tsavo that construction was halted.

It took until the last days of 1898 for the two lions to be killed. Both are now on display in the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History. Lietenant Colonel John Henry Patterson was responsible for the removal of the lions. He wrote a book "The Man-Eaters of Tsavo" which has become the basis for several films over the past 70 years.

Research seems to indicate that one of the lions had a serious injury and that their usual prey was scarce from a disease outbreak. They both were regularly eating usual prey with humans as a "supplement".

While we won't see the man eaters, we'll have great opportunities to photograph lions in the two Tsavo national parks and in nearby Taita national parks. We'll also have opportunities to find other predators.

The region is also known for its dramatic red soils as seen in the waterhole image above.

When the elephants mud and dust themselves, they take on that red hue. Hence the name of the "red elephants of Tsavo".

Waterholes and springs will provide us with amazing opportunities for wildlife of all kinds.

There is even one spring where one can see hippos swimming in clear water - and maybe the opportunity to photograph them through a window!

And our camp in Taita National Park is "on stilts" next to a waterhole. Animals can come to the water from any direction and we can watch the scene evolve from above!


Our journey through the three parks (Tsavo West, Taita, and Tsavo West) should present us with an abundance of wildlife photography opportunities, exciting scenery, and outstanding sunsets!

When it's time to wrap up, we'll head east, downhill to Mombassa on the Indian Ocean. There we'll take a flight back to Nairobi, clean up and unite with anything we left behind, and transfer to our flights homeward.

Or, if a little beach time sounds good after our hard work chasing images, we have a little beach time available.

Link to our Mombassa Beach Unwind Extension.

Our 2024 Southeastern Kenya Photography Safari will begin and end in Nairobi, Kenya

*Prices include almost all meals - drinks on your own.
*All our lodgings are included - and are in outstanding lodges and camps!
*Outstanding safari vehicles and English-speaking guides
*Full prep materials and photographic instruction en route

Nature Photography Adventures and your participation in this adventure will support the conservation of elephants and several national parks. You will, further, have opportunities to individually join in those conservation efforts.



Sit down with a cup of Kenyan coffee, if you can get your hands on that.  Pull out that old copy of Out of Africa.  Get the sounds and music in your head.  Then re-read this description.  It took years for the right combination of things to come available – to bring you this experience – but, you, like us, have probably been feeling the call to Kenya for decades.  Let’s go!

Nature Photography Adventures

Wild Adventures


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Nature Photography Adventures Calendar of Adventures


Borneo! Rainforests. Orangutans. Gibbons. Pygmy elephants. Proboscis monkeys. 420 species of birds, including amazing hornbills and kingfishers, brightly colored little birds. Carnivorous plants. Sun bears. The list goes on and on. We've built an itinerary that takes you into the canopy, on trails by foot, on rivers by boat, and out on night safari. This is not an adventure you want to miss!

Jun 21 - Jul 2

Join us in Brazil's Pantanal for a wild adventure that features both jaguars and an amazing array of birds, reptiles, and mammals. The Pantanal is the only place in the world where one can reliably find and photograph jaguars - as they are nocturnal hunters everywhere else. The birds here are fantastic - this is one of our favorite places to photograph flying birds (we can help you build your skills). Add in close-up encounters with giant river otters and so much more. Join us for this wild adventure!

Aug 11-23

Turkey sits at a geographical crossroads, which means that, over history, many cultures have passed through Turkey, each leaving a distinct imprint on the culture and the archaeological record. Let's explore some of the great archaeological wonders - while putting ourselves in great positions make exciting art with cameras. Mosques, Fairy Chimneys, Ephasus, Istanbul, Aphrodisia, Pergamum, Assos and so much more.

Sep 21 - Oct 5

Three days of classroom and field time with migrating waterfowl, bald eagles, and macro opportunities. You'll learn how to take control of your mirrorless camera - and take advantage of new developments in the digital darkroom - to yield images that closely match your intentions in the field! Embrace manual - it's easier that the auto modes - and easier than ever in the mirrorless era.
Space Available

Dec 8-10


To sit quietly in a bamboo thicket with a gorilla family, interacting with eye contact, observing, and making compelling images is truly a life changing experience. Venture out into the wilds of Rwanda with a small group to experience photographic encounters with wild gorillas, chimpanzees, colobus monkeys, golden monkeys, and much, much more. Fitness level is necessary to accomplish this adventure. Dates are tentative until we secure permits.
Space Available

Jan 8-20

Our new Kenya West Photography Safari explores from Samburu on the north down to the Masai Mara in the south. We'll find 3 kinds of giraffes, two kinds of zebras, rhinos (black and white), gerenuks, big cats, hyenas and jackals, outstanding scenery and a wealth of birds - big and little. We'll see a number of ecosystems, brush up agains several cultures, get a great introduction to the Rift Valley, and so much more. And, if you join both this safari and the next, below, we'll cut $1,000 from your fees.
Space Available

Jan 22 - Feb 2

Our new Kenya Southeast Photography Safari explores the exciting region along the Kenya/Tanzania border. Starting with Amboseli, we'll work east to Tsavo west and east and Taita, finding dramatic scenes with elephants, some big tuskers, the oasis of Amboseli and all its concentration of wildlife, lions, leopards, cheetahs, a variety of ungulates, a spring where hippos swim in clear water, lodges on waterholes, and so many more exciting things. Pair this adventure with the adventure above and we'll cut $1,000 from your fees.
Space Available

Feb 3-14

Private India Tigers Photography Safari

Private tiger photography safari.

Check with us about a private adventure of your own!


Mar 24 - Apr 2

Join us in 2026 as we'll explore favorite haunts and add new landings and vistas. Giant tortoises, flightless frigates, 3 kinds of boobies, land and marine iguanas, sea lions and fur seals, flamingos, and the northernmost penguin in the world. The list goes on and on! Exciting landscapes. So much to learn about geology, biology, and evolution.Truly an inspiring experience - ties the Serengeti in client feedback as the "most life-changing" experience of their lives.
Space Available

Apr 17-27

Waterfalls. Puffins. Volcanic craters. Glaciers. Floating icebergs. Black sand beaches. Dramatic cliffs. Deep canyons. Did we mention waterfalls and puffins? Skuas and arctic terns! Sheep and Icelandic horses. Viking culture. The photography opportunities don't stop! Join us in July of 2026 - we'll show you a great time and send you home with outstanding images and improved photography skills.
Space Available

Jul 11-20

Join a small group of photographers as we fly in float planes and tundra planes out into the wilderness of the Katmai Peninsula - in search of great bear photography opportunities. We'll go where the bears are actively catching salmon, including Brooks Falls, and other locations drawing off the Bristol Bay watershed which has the largest salmon runs in the world. Plan to be close to bears - to have great vistas from planes - and to marvel at the vast expanse of wilderness. Group size limited - secure your space.
Space Available

Jul 27 - Aug 2

Turkey sits at a geographical crossroads, which means that, over history, many cultures have passed through Turkey, each leaving a distinct imprint on the culture and the archaeological record. Let's explore some of the great archaeological wonders - while putting ourselves in great positions make exciting art with cameras. Mosques, Fairy Chimneys, Ephasus, Istanbul, Aphrodisia, Pergamum, Assos and so much more.
Space Available

Sep 20 - Oct 4

Step outside your comfort zone to experience and photograph tribes of Ethiopia's Omo River Valley. These tribes were never dominated by colonialism and have held onto traditions others have lost. This is your chance to see Africa, indeed all human culture, as it was - and be one of the few people on the planet to experience these unique cultures. This is a wild adventure - we'll sometimes have modest lodgings, eat foods we're not familiar with, and venture beyond basic services as we visit these remote tribes.
Space Available

Oct 21 - Nov 3


Let's photograph tigers! Join us in India for a custom safari designed to put you in the best places at the best times to photograph tigers. We have built in more time than most tiger safaris - and it's all about time in Kanha, Pench, and Bandhavgarh National Parks. We have arranged to put you two to a vehicle - and to enter the parks at daybreak, just when the tigers are most active. The group will be quite limited in size. Secure your space soon!
Space Available

Feb 28 - Mar 11